Why I Should Have Boarded My Dog

white shepherd Malamute Husky

I had the best dog in the World. Seriously, people would come to my house to ask if my dog, not me, could join them at the bar.
People still talk about my dog long after he is gone, in front of their own dogs!

My dog’s name was “Ohio”. He was a white German Shepherd / Malimut Husky cross. So he was smart as heck and did not like to be caged or trapped, and smart enough to get out when caged or trapped. Here are two times I wish I had used a dog boarding service while traveling.

Attacked a Billygoat!

While I was fighting wildfires in Oregon, I had a friend watch my dog Ohio while I was away. When I returned, the friend said that I owed them $1180! For what? I asked. “Well”, she said. “I took Ohio to a friends farm and let him run around, and I went inside. While inside it got very quite outside, so we all went out to see what was going on to find Ohio had dug under two fences to attack the family’s pet billygoat! They put the billygoat in a car and drove it to the vet. The vet bill is $700.

While technically, I believe my friend who was watching my dog should pay the vet bill because she failed to actually watch my dog, I did not argue. That is just it, she is not under any contract to how she watches my dog or contractual obligation to make sure my dog, and other dogs, are safe. Had I used a dog boarding service like Buckeye K9, they would have kept my dog happy, socialized, and safe; and certainly would not have let my dog attack a billygoat on a farm causing my a $1180 vet bill.

In Trouble with the In-laws


Can you watch my dog while I'm traveling

The second of a long list of times I should have used a dog boarding service was when I took my dog Ohio to the French River in Northern Ontario. It was at my Father in Law’s fishing trailer along the beautiful French River. Ohio had a great time on the boat: and on the dock.


dog boarding near me


But the time I left him in the trailer my Father-in-Law and I came back with a bucket full of large Walleye, only to find Ohio on the deck waiting for us and the door closed. Uh Oh! How did you get out? I did not see the perfect slit in the screen right away, but as I moved past the dog I could see a perfect slice down the screen of my Father-in-law’s trailer’s screen. Gulp. Not a good look to destroy my wife’s family property. Well, I paid for that screen with a life of servitude to his daughter. Kidding not kidding, but I paid for the screen. Another time I should have used a dog boarding service like Buckeye K9.


Dog destruction while on vacation


Dog on Vacation or Dog Being Spoiled?


While I look back on my dog Ohio’s life I think to myself, maybe he liked the vacation more than staying home. But when I consider the stress traveling put on him, he cut his way out of the trailer to find me, and how much fun he would have had at a dog boarding location with other dogs, I realize it is living his best life if I put him up in dog boarding on some of the trips I took him on. He would have had less stress and caused fewer issues, and my family and I would have been free to stay where we wanted and not pay thousands of dollars for the damage our dog did while we were traveling with him. He is the greatest dog in the world, and dogs are going to be dogs, at home or while traveling. Consider boarding your dog while you’re traveling for a stress-free trip and a fun time for your dog while you’re away.

Dog Boarding Columbus, Ohio

Dog Boarding allows you to travel confidently knowing that your beloved dog(s) are safe, happy, and enjoying themselves. They are always with trained professionals and, almost all the time, other dogs to socialize with. They are being fed at the right time with the right food, they are warm, cozy, and well taken care of so you don’t have to even think about them while you are traveling for fun or for business.

Your dog must get along with other dogs and staff to be able to be boarded. Buckeye K9 provides dog training. Give us a call to learn about what it takes to have your dog boarded at Buckeye K9 Dog Boarding.

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